Well, it’s been a slice, but as the semester comes to a close so do my blog updates…

As you already know, my personal inquiry was experimenting with a more sustainable diet (ie. eating less meat/animal by-products, trying new recipes and foods, and educating myself on what it means to be vegetarian/vegan. The journey has been fun, challenging, and enlightening, and I definitely have a newfound respect for vegans and vegetarians alike.

In the world we live in today, it is difficult to avoid animal produced foods because they tend to be almost everywhere you find food, and it can be hard not to eat whether it be because someone serves it to you, you’re buying food out and vegan options aren’t available, it’s a habit, or you simply like those foods and don’t want to give them up.  Over the course of this semester, I encountered all of the above, and while these stopped me from going full vegetarian (and obviously vegan) I still managed to render my diet more animal-friendly! I also developed an awareness of the impacts that my diet and lifestyle choices have on the Earth.

In addition to these developments, I discovered an array of new recipes and foods that for the most part I actually really enjoyed! These include (but aren’t limited to) the following:

  • BBQ Jackfruit Pulled Pork
  • Tofu Stirfries
  • Soy Latte
  • Vegan Peanutbutter Cups
  • Tofu Crumble Tacos
  • Hummus Wraps/Sandwiches
  • Almond Butter Cookie Bars

Despite the difficulties I faced, I intend to keep progressing towards more sustainable eating habits by incorporating more plant-based proteins into my diet, expanding my vegan and vegetarian recipe repertoire, and simply making conscious efforts to eat as clean as possible and feasible for myself. I love baking so I’m specifically looking forward to finding more vegan baked goods that I like! With the newfound free time I have in self-isolation right now, I’m expecting to do lots of this, as well as finally watch the eating documentary I blogged about several weeks ago.

To anyone wanting to know my main takeaway from this inquiry, it is that everyone can make a difference in regards to this subject. You don’t have to be a full vegan to positively impact our Earth, you just have to be willing to make at least one animal-conscious eating choice every week or so. This could be as simple as having a handful of nuts instead of a pepperoni stick… Because every effort counts!

Appreciate you sticking with me through my journey😊