Here on February 1st, I’m documenting my first experiences with the ukulele!

I am super excited going into this, but I am already finding this instrument a little  hard to figure out! When I first started, I hadn’t realized how out of tune my ukulele was, and honestly thought that the off-pitch sound was just me not playing the different chords properly. Thankfully, we spent some time in class learning how to tune properly, and I now have an app (GuitarTuna) that helps me double-check that each string is in its proper note.

The class collaboration time was such a beneficial time for addressing some of my concerns with the ukulele. Not only was it an opportunity for peer help and teacher guidance, but it reassured me that other people were (and still are) experiencing some of the same struggles I am.

Since the start of this semester, I have learned the chords C, C7, F, G, and Am. I still struggle a little getting my fingers into place quickly for G, but I know that with more practice it will happen more easily and smoothly. Alongside learning chords and tuning, I am practicing holding my ukulele in the proper position. I now understand the importance of curving my wrist around the neck of the ukulele to avoid tendonitis, as well as holding the ukulele in the crook of my elbow. Even this simple adjustment in my grip is going to take me some time to get used to since it feels quite unnatural to me.

I am super excited to start learning “You Are My Sunshine”, and I hope that with time, the different chords, strumming patterns, and proper holding position will become more second-nature to me. ☀️